Frequently Asked Question

Assessments: Taking a Quiz or Exam
Last Updated 3 years ago

Read your instructor's directions carefully before taking the assessment. Also, please be sure to have your pop-up blocker OFF.

If you are unable to see or click into the assessment contact your instructor immediately.

When you answer a question, you can click 'Save Answer' or move to the next question. Moving to the next question will automatically save your answer. Answers are also automatically saved after a few seconds of inactivity, such as when you briefly stop typing in an open response problem.

Your instructor may decide to prohibit backtracking to previous questions when moving on; please pay attention before starting your exam if this setting has been enabled. Your instructor may also decide to display the questions for the assessment either one at a time or all at once. If your assessment is displayed all at once, please be sure to save your answers as you go to reduce the risk of being timed-out of your assessment.

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