Frequently Asked Question

Respondus (Creating Tests)
Last Updated 3 years ago

Respondus is software that can be used to create online assessments. Online assessments can be created right within a course, but Respondus can serve as your question database, delivering questions to several online courses. You can also import properly formatted text document into Respondus.

The WSU Respondus software can be found in the Software and Resources course in your Plato Course List. If you do not see this course, please email Lisa at so you can be given access to the Plato Software and Resources course.

Once you have installed Respondus on your computer, you may begin creating questions. When you open Respondus, it takes you to the Start tab where you have the choice to Open an existing file, Create a new file, or Import Questions. You can also create and archive exams here.

When importing questions, there are a variety of options. Already created text or Word document files can be formatted and imported. Publishers also allow using their test banks, through the Test Bank Network; talk with your publisher rep for details on obtaining access.

Contact Lisa ( or Joe ( at CIT for help with using Respondus.

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