Frequently Asked Question

How do I Get Started Using Plato?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Haven’t used PLATO? Schedule a PLATO Overview session with Lisa!

Learn how to upload your syllabus and readings, hold a threaded discussion, create an assignment dropbox, and much more. Lisa will show you how to supplement your face-to-face courses with these great tools!

Click here to sign up for your Virtual Plato Instructor Training!

Current PLATO Users! Schedule a Course Tune-Up with Lisa. Learn how to enhance your courses with great tools like VoiceThread, SafeAssign and InfoBase, to name a few. Learn how to create a voiceover video of your Power­Points or give a tour of your online course with various screen capture options like Zoom, Screencast-O-Matic and Panopto.

Create sound file lectures for your class using Audacity. Get more familiar with the Grade Center and learn how to use the “Box” grading tools. You can even set up a virtual office using Zoom to meet with students in real time, online from just about anywhere.

Click here to schedule a time to meet with Lisa for a Course Tune-Up or your Plato questions or issues!

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