Frequently Asked Question

How do I Extend More Time for a Student on a Test?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Extending time on tests for specific students is done through 'Exceptions' in the 'Test Options' area. 

When you are in your course, go to the Week / Session / Block / etc. where you have placed your exam. Click on the drop down button to the right of the test you are working with. Select 'Edit the Test Options' from the menu.

Scroll about half way down to 'Test Availability Exceptions.' Click on the 'Add User or Group' button. 


A pop-up window will allow you to click the check box to the left of the student you want to extend the time for. Click submit at the bottom to save your selection. 

Options will appear in the exceptions area that will allow you to set additional attempts, adjust the timer and change the date availability for that specific student. 


If you are giving the student different availability dates than others, you need to make sure that under the Due Date, you leave the "DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO START THE TEST if the due date is passed" UNCHECKED. Otherwise they will not have access. 


Be sure to click SUBMIT to save all of your changes. 

For additional help with extending test time, please contact either Joseph Axenroth or Lisa Clark

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