Frequently Asked Question

How do I Copy Content from a Previous Course into a New Course Shell?
Last Updated 3 years ago

If you are planning to use PLATO for your courses this semester, you will need to use the electronic request form to create your new course shells. You will need to do this before each semester. 

You can use the electronic form if you have used Plato in the past, and are copying content from a course that was taught in 2014 or later, or just requesting the blank template. Be sure to read ALL instructions as you complete the electronic form.

Click here for the electronic form:

  • Every semester you must submit a course request for each course you are teaching.
  • Don’t forget to request and cross list the E01 sections.
  • If you request course shells after the semester start, students will NOT be automatically enrolled. Please contact the CIT to ensure that your students are enrolled in your course.
  • If you need help with this process, please call us at 413-572-8130, submit a Help Ticket at the PLATO Help Desk, or send an email to!

If you are requesting course content that was taught before 2014, or need a custom course or organization shell please email Joe at with the details

If you are a new instructor that has not used the WSU Plato/Blackboard system please click here to register for the Virtual Instructor Plato Course Training so we can get you started!

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